Not sure what to start with or what to purchase for your flock? From natural pest control to pure entertainment and healthy treats we've thought it through and bundled best sellers by situation and problem solving solutions. Treats for Chickens has you and your feathered friends in mind!New for 2023: our most recent bundles are available in a mini sample pack. Since samples help you take the guesswork out of where to start in your healthy, pet poultry journey, we think they are kind of a big deal.
Take a look at Treats for Chickens complete line of Bundles + Samples below!
Pro-tip: fellow chicken parents have submitted tried and true reviews on our products - so be sure to click on those gold review stars if in doubt or not sure if a product is right for you and your feathered friends.
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Check Out The Entire Treats for Chickens Line
Browse the full selection of our hand-packed products produced in small batches.