Hi, it's Dawn. My Granny spent her childhood running barefoot, playing in hay fields and learning the ins and outs of poultry care on the family’s 100+ acre pastured egg farm in Petaluma, CA. There was a boom – or maybe it was a bust – but in the ‘60s, the egg industry moved east.
Fast forward to 2005, Granny’s great-grandson, Jake [my son], took on a 4H Poultry Project. He started with three day-old-baby chicks, raising them at his Grandmas house and caring for them before and after school. Turns out, chicken math is a real thing because I turned that itty-bitty flock of three into 300+ chickens within two years.
And eggs? Needless to say, we had a lot of eggs. This newfound love for chickens transformed the barn and pastures into a “poultry paradise” and, to my husbands surprise, quickly took over his garage and workshop too. Soon after I bid farewell to my cushy desk job on the 22nd floor of the Federal Building in San Francisco. I traded in my department store suits and heels for all things chickens: straw in my hair, eggs in my pockets and an endless array of organic grains, herbs and seeds to enrich the growing flock.

In 2009, we launched an online store and were mixing, blending and packing in our own commercial space, and by 2011 our products were found on retail store shelves nationwide. Granny would be so proud, don’t you think? And, my husband, Dennis, he got his garage, barn, wood-shop and all storage spaces returned to him: finally!
We eat the eggs our chickens lay and I want the best for my flock, and know that you do, too. That’s why I've prioritized organic ingredients in our formulas since the beginning. In 2013, we became the very first USDA-Certified Organic supplier of poultry treats, vitamins and herbal bedding. It was a big game changer for our boutique company and the industry as a whole. Beyond the ingredients, we are proud of our hand-packed, small batch production process, that we source locally then globally and that we are subject to and held accountable for 100% trace-ability in our processes.
At Treats for Chickens™ we happily make high quality products!
Why shop with us?
We know that Treats for Chickens isn't for everyone. And, that's okay.
Not everyone is into the earthy goodness of organics. Not everyone names their backyard chickens, warms them up a dish of oats on a freezing morning or lovingly keeps them around after prime laying days have long passed. But, we do. And, chances are if you are reading this, you do to.
Our focus is on you, the chicken parent that treats their chickens as pets, parts of the family, sometimes better than family (lol). The chicken parent that wants to maintain Henrietta's wellness right alongside a company founder doing the same with hers ahnnd, having fun doing it.
A few reasons to shop at Treats for Chickens:
Woman-owned business
Local, boutique + USA based
Creates small batch blends for longevity of ingredients
Sources Certified Organic + Non-Gmo ingredients
Packaging consists of post-consumer waste
We are fellow chicken parents + fowl lovers