Embracing the suck is how I will get through this shutdown. And, by "embracing the suck" I mean forcing myself every.day to have a shit-ton of gratitude. You are, by the way, most welcome to use my new favorite unit of measurement when describing your gratitude as well.
Say it a few times out loud. It has a nice ring to it. "Gratitude, I have a shit-ton of it."
We will get through this. We have to.
See that photo below? That's me. And, my mom and my husband: and this is why I have a shit ton of gratitude. These are my shelter in place people and the current Treats for Chickens workforce. Because our operational space is limited, it's impossible to have my regular team on-site and be in compliance with social distancing and the 6-foot rule.
And so, the three of us wholeheartedly look forward to welcoming back Team Treats because they are the backbone of how product is made. The regular team, in hindsight, does this job with such grace and ease. As for me, mom and the hubby: we are small, scrappy, totally awkward and dropping the occasional F-bomb [or 12] but we are gratefully getting it done and oh-so thankful for your continued orders. More on that below:
It's going to happen. I profoundly thank you for it too. But we are headed into being behind on orders and out of stocks are going to happen, albeit for a short time, but it's going to happen. Little by little and bag by bag the shelves will be restocked. Thank you in advance for your continued orders and zen like patience with us.
There is a new affiliate program at Treats for Chickens. It went live just the other day. If you have chickens + you love TFC products + you enjoy spreading the word then this is for you. [PS: you don't have to have chickens]. You can earn money when your referrals place an order on the treatsforchickens.com website. For more details Click Here or on the link below.
It's Chick Season and I'm here to help you with that stinky brooder and to lay down some certified organic, healthy herbs that'll get your little one's off to the best start. Because it feels right, I'm extending huge savings of 30% off on 50 of the two pound bags. These will go fast. No coupon needed.
If you have an Instagram account please give yourself a good laugh and watch NickHeathSport. He's a sports commentator who is out of a job. But, he's taken his talent to the streets videoing and commenting on regular day things. It's pure enjoyment that is worth the watch during these suck-y times. This guy has turned lemons into spiked lemonade!
Before all hell broke loose in early March I added new products to the website.These are mainly for your pleasure and enjoyment. A few are for your chickens but when you get right down to it: it’s a togetherness kind of thing. Consider these items as mutually beneficial and time well spent with your chickens. Especially the Wishbone Bottle opener - we sold out of these with a quickness and these handy treat feeders were eventually discontinued but we had a great run with them too.
Auto-delivery has it's perks! You'll save 20% on all Auto-Products, have Early Bird Access to New Products and your Auto-shipment will contain beneficial and helpful things not provided in regular, one-time shipments. This month an egg tracking chart and recipes for lockdown.
I couldn't resist these little dishes. Cute, functional and sturdy. It'll be hard to choose just one, right? Note: These are sold out.
Wishing you and your flock the best of Health + Happiness ring these uncertain times. Want to help small business far and wide? Shop small, big heart.
-Love, Dawn and the Treats for Chickens Team 🧡