The Blog at Treats for Chickens

5 Best White Egg Laying Chicken Breeds – Treats for Chickens

5 Best White Egg Laying Chicken Breeds – Treats for Chickens

Chicken parents add some white to your flock by reading up on five of the best white egg laying chicken breeds! Collect all the egg shades of whites and chickens.

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5 Best Colorful Egg Laying Chicken Breeds – Treats for Chickens

5 Best Colorful Egg Laying Chicken Breeds – Treats for Chickens

Chicken parents add some color to your flock by reading up on five of the most colorful egg laying chicken breeds! Collect all the egg colors and chickens.

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Naturally Dyed Eggs - Treats for Chickens

Naturally Dyed Eggs - Treats for Chickens

This past spring equinox I decided to try new and old dye techniques with this year's eggs. Of course, using only edible ingredients. The results were amazing. The eggs tuned out better than expected. So of course, I had to share!

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