8 Ways to Improve Your Flocks Health Right. Now. PART 1

8 Ways to Improve Your Flocks Health Right. Now. PART 1

There's so much good info we had to do this in two parts! Part 1: 8 Ways to Improve Your Flocks Health Right Now. There are so many things to think about when it comes to learning how to raise chickens. We get it … so here are the first 4 easy ways to improve your chickens’ health – today! 1. Oyster Shells When hens lay eggs, it takes an incredible toll on the calcium in their bodies. Think about it – egg shells pretty much ARE calcium. Having adequate calcium helps to promote strong egg shells as well as...

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Couleur from Pixabay colored eggs colorful eggs brown eggs chicken eggs

So many effing eggs + my secret ingredients

Hi Treats for Chickens community, it's me, Dawn! As of Thursday morning I have three dozen eggs + eight.  That's 44 eggs. What in the F am I going to do with 44 eggs?    Photo credit: RyanJLane   They are "free ranging" on the kitchen counter, on top of the refrigerator in cartons, in a basket lounging on the kitchen counter, plus an unaccounted for 12 hard boiled inside the fridge.  And, before nightfall there will be at least 9-10 more freshly laid in the nesting boxes.....so it's time to get generous and be busy in the kitchen. Pronto. ...

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The Best Backyard Chickens + Why You Need Them...

The Best Backyard Chickens + Why You Need Them...

No one likes to be lied to so I’m going to let you know: I’m incredibly biased when it comes to any discussion about backyard chickens. That is the truth. COCHINS. I love Cochins and I think you should too. For just about every regular sized, big-fluffy bottom cochin momma -----à there is a mini version that will lay an egg the size of a pearl. Not really, but damn close. Bantam cochins lay an egg slightly larger than a quarter and it’s the cutest thing. Get a bantam cochin. Cochin, cochin, cochin. Cochin ˈkōCHin,ˈkäCHin/ noun A chicken of an...

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